Dance With Me
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February 01, 2018
By Alexis McKeown
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The other day my fellow Artists of Elk Run and I installed our annual show at the Hive Gallery, downtown here in Canmore, AB. This year I am showing some of my collage work, but the first year I did this show (three years ago... where does the time go?!) I showed my first love - dance photography. Here are the pieces I created for that first show.


Before this point I hadn't really tried shooting dance in my own studio - I would always travel with all my gear to a dance studio to do a Dancer's Portrait Session. I still love to shoot in a proper dance studio, because they usually have higher ceilings and more room to really move and travel, but I am happy to report that I was pleasantly surprised at just how much room I could make in my own studio by moving a few things around (and shooting from way over in the end where my office is set up ;P )

As you can see, we have had enough room to move, flow, jump and throw huge skirts around because as you may know, throwing fabric around is pretty much my favourite thing to do during a shoot.

The skirts this post's photos were all made in-house by me and my lovely mom, and they remain in the studio wardrobe for anyone who would like to wear them during their session!

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1 Comment
Leslie Saunders - So love your capture of the amazing flying skirts!