Flower Power
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November 29, 2017
By Alexis McKeown
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I am a big believer in flowers at all times. Flowers on a good day, flowers on a bad day, flowers for no other reason than that they just make my brain and my heart happy.

A while ago I noticed a message on social media that my favourite flower shop, Willow Flower Co had a whole bunch of flowers that had come back after a big fancy wedding that they had done the most amazing work for. The 'left-over' flowers were up for grabs - it would have been a huge shame to see them hit the bin! - so of course I got there as quickly as I could. I ended up with a few of the most beautiful, colourful bouquets - please excuse the phone pics ;)

But the bouquets are not the reason I'm posting about this (not that they don't merit a whole post on their own.) When I was at Willow, I noticed these huge hoops laden with greenery and flowers and they were mesmerizing. The hoops had been installations hanging in one of the huge wedding tents; floral chandeliers! I asked if they were up for grabs as well, and I was delighted when I got to take 4 of these crazy beautiful creations to the studio.

The other perfect thing about this day is that my beautiful friend Carmen (who has always been game to play in the studio with me) happened to be visiting Canmore and we were able to sneak away from our boys for an hour to make some photos with the crazy rad flower hoops.


It was a super quick shoot but the most fun I've had in the studio in a while :) My heart was so full that day.

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