I ended up showing these in another small gallery show in March, and they were met with encouragingly positive response (read: some of them actually sold, WHAAAT?) In light of that warm reception of these pieces, I decided to start a little side-biz.
The Flying Skirt Printshop has been up and running for a couple of weeks, mainly just over on Instagram (guys, did you know that people are buying art on Instagram? So rad.) So far, I have sold a few pieces and shipped them off to Texas, Oregon, and BC. I am just tickled every time someone likes one of these. They're so outside my usual comfort zone - boldly colourful and pretty silly, which I love.
I'm posting new pieces as often as possible. They don't always have my own photography as an element; sometimes they are magazine clippings and digital scribbles only, like these, below, and the ones up at the top of this post.