Graze & Gaze :: a flower farm event
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August 02, 2021
By Alexis McKeown Portrait
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Last weekend I hit the road with my enchanting friend, Lilliane, of Farine Workshops and Events for our first (annual, hopefully!) Graze & Gaze event. Lil arranged for us to be able to host it at the loveliest little natural flower farm, Farm Fresh Florals, which is owned and run by another kindred spirit, Jen Gruninger

It was scorching hot all day, but worth every drop of sweat :) We had two groups of wonderful folks join us for an afternoon and then an evening workshop. Jen gave everyone a tour of her beautiful farm and she was full of all sorts of helpful information and inspiration about gardening. One of the things she said that stuck out to me was that if you think you're not a good plant mom (like if you kill a lotta plants, haha) it just means you're not planting enough of them. I love that! It's the same with photographs - if you think you're not photogenic, it just means you didn't take enough frames ;)

After the tour, everyone came back to the charming long tables that had been prepared and styled by Lil, and she taught the group how to put together the most beautiful charcuterie boxes. When art mixes with snacks, I am so there for it, and it seemed like everyone else was just as into the combo.

Once the boxes had been styled and sufficient instagramming had happened with those, Jen brought out fresh cut flowers and gave a little workshop on floral arranging. I mean, the whole thing was just a dream! And I got to photograph all of it, which filled my heart to the brim.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of photos of the day... And scroll to the bottom to see a little video reel of the trip :) I already can't wait until next year's Graze & Gaze!

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