Headshots + Personal Branding Portraits
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April 15, 2019
By Alexis McKeown
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The world is super visual these days. We consume so many images in a day - from friends & family, from our local communities, from big businesses constantly marketing to us. And year after year, the images that we see are getting more and more refined in their quality. There are so many great photographs being made and shared every single day!

Because of this, it's so important to have a great profile portrait and some polished imagery for your business that will stand out in the ever-growing-and-flowing feed of images that passes through people's consciousness every day. 

One of my favourite things about doing Personal Branding portrait sessions at the studio is that I get to meet people who have followed a passion and made it into a business. I love creating beautiful photos that will help them share that passion and business with the world.


Helen is a writer + coach, teaching people to let go of their 'baggage' through the art of journaling.   www.helenrose.ca

Christa is an amazing, encouraging, knowledgeable trainer and the owner of Excel Fitness, where she is helping people be the best versions of themselves.   http://excelfitnesscanmore.com

Julie is a specialized trainer, helping people whose dogs have separation anxiety and she consults and teaches people all over the world.  www.subthresholdtraining.com

It seems that people are often shy to share their own portrait with the interwebz, but it's such an important and effective way to connect with people out there who might be looking for that exact thing that you do. We like to see the face behind the passion and the business. 

I want to create portraits for you that will make you excited to share your face (and your craft/knowledge/strength/talent/gift!) with the world.

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