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April 16, 2020
By Alexis McKeown Portrait
MASK :: A COVID-inspired take on the classic lace-over-face-a-la-edward-steichen-portrait.
I wore a mask (don't worry, not this one guys) in the grocery store yesterday for the first time and it was fine but man it felt weird. It made me even more nervous - navigating the energy in the grocery store since all of this started has been one of the hardest activities for me to deal with, personally. I usually smile at people and found myself doing it behind the mask and then feeling weird about it. I was overly conscious of every little movement I made and felt like people must be able to hear my thoughts for how loud they were. The fact that I was all nervous added to how hot the mask was making my face so I was probably all red and making other people nervous. I think I may have to have the hubz do all the grocery shopping from now on. I'm way too much of a spaz. (Even if the spaziness just manifests inwardly.)