SPACE :: a self portrait
As I work at creating new photographs during this isolation phase, I'm also looking back at some older self portrait work. I haven't shared these here on the blog, so I thought I would start to add them into the mix.
I created this particular photograph to remind myself how important it is to make space - space in my home, in my studio, but most importantly in my mind. I was over-consuming all the things on the internet and that was making it difficult to hear my own voice. There was no room for new ideas or thoughtful pondering. It takes a concerted effort to give your head and your heart space these days (especially *these* days, what with all the news/social media/hilarious tweets + memes that accompany the ol' global pandemic) I still fall into the over-consuming habit, for sure, so I'm glad to have this little visual reminder.
Wishing you all a bit of space today.