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July 25, 2020
By Alexis McKeown Portrait
Two very special people in my life got married today and since it was on the other side of the world during a pandemic, I wasn't able to be there in person. So I made this for them, to celebrate their love and the beginning of their married life.
I wanted this piece to be steeped with love and symbolism. I used the bride's and the groom's favourite flowers, mixing them to symbolize the joining of two personalities that are full and beautiful on their own, and a whole different kind of beautiful when they're all mixed in together. Each sharing their gifts, different but not in one another's shadows. The apricots & honey are for wishing them good health and all the soft sweetness life has to offer. The grapes are for wealth, not just $$ but emotional wealth that they'll cultivate for themselves as individuals, so that they can support each other, holding the other's heart if it gets heavy and being filled up by one another's joys as well.
Creating this to fit two specific people and this specific occasion was so fulfilling for me. I am thinking about opening up to commissions, so that I can create pieces as super personal gifts for their loved ones - should I do it??
I printed and framed this in-house and I'm just so chuffed about it. It's very cool to see it large and 'real' :)
This is the largest print I've made at the studio, to date. I used Espon's Velvet Fine Art paper - it's super thick and the texture is so subtle, the colours so rich. It gives the whole thing major depth, like you could fall right into it.
I just can't wait to give this to the bride & groom when the get back to Canada to start building their first home together.